Naomi Sutton (suttonnr@gmail.com)
Over the last few years, I have had the privelege of working with some amazing women who have photographed my work. As I've told Patience Salgado (http://www.patiencesalgado.com/), it's often times very intimidating to have my work captured by a professional photographer. There seems to be more pressure to create something as amazing as their work. And then when I look back over the high res photos, every wobble, every uneven line or mistake is there for me to see. It's a silly thing to fret over the small 'mistakes' when the overall pictures are so amazing, but as a perfectionist, it's hard not to worry. I also can't control what goes out to the cyber world... like is it a picture of me scowling, or with a double chin, or my butt crack showing! Silly, I know.
But the end results always stun me. Sometimes I know the designs are beautiful when I'm done... and then I 'see' them again, and the 'other thing' that seems to be present when I'm working is revealed. It never ceases to leave me feeling anything but blessed.